LCS-2 is a Power6 system with eight single-core CPUs per node, running at [proprietary information deleted] GHz ([proprietary information deleted] Gigaflop/s). It has [proprietary information deleted] nodes, for a total of [proprietary information deleted] processors, with a total of 42 TB of main memory and 1.6 petabytes (PB) of shared global disk. The system will feature 210 Tflop/s peak and 50 Tflop/s average sustained performance.
The Power6-based LCS-2 system will have an impressive memory performance of [proprietary information deleted] bytes/flop ([proprietary information deleted] GB/s per processor), allowing increased sustained performance across a broad spectrum of leading scientific applications.
The LCS-2 network will be based on [proprietary information deleted]. The aggregate bandwidth of the full bisection network achieves 31.5 TB/s, allowing for efficient execution of large-scale applications with global communication requirements.
LCS-2 will have the same basic file system and software as LCS-1, with improvements.
那些[proprietary information deleted]的部分,就依據之前的數據,請自行把「5GHz」、「20Gflops」、「3.75 bytes」和「75GB/s」填上去吧。
更重要的在後面:IBM最近一份Application Driven Supercomputing: An IBM Perspective的文件中,進一步的提到Power6的細節,分別是:
˙Total Virtualization
˙Mainframe RAS
˙Larger SMPs
˙Blade Optimized
˙4X Perf of Power5
說來也蠻感慨的,1999年IBM首度發表Power4時,那時一堆毫無sense、被x86 CPU牽著鼻子跑、滿腦子只有時脈至上論的諸多媒體,紛紛對雙核心抱持否定態度,直到去年才「大夢初醒」,反過頭來拼命鼓吹雙核心和多核心的偉大,講得高時脈是多麼活該該死的東西。如果IBM真的改弦易轍,而且事後證明IBM的觀點是正確的,我看到時候又不怕沒笑話可以看了。
3 則留言:
時脈至上,畢竟還是少數偏向 intel 的媒體才會這樣講。
一般比較專業的硬體網站,批評的是 intel 高頻卻低性能,IBM 做高時脈,我想以 IBM 的實力應該有機會做到高性能,破除 intel 只能做出高時脈卻低效能的產品,所以問題並不是高時脈本身的問題,而是在效能,並沒有什麼笑話好看,有的話也是自己的思維吧!!!
Netburst架構的問題是卡在他的Single Issuer上頭