eWeek lab的Peter Coffee在「WinFS: Anatomy, Archeology or Mythology?」一文中,根據1995年「Cairo」計畫的原始概念,做出以下的摘要:
「As I recall the basic idea of "Cairo", it proposed an object-oriented storage model that would emulate a conventional file system when needed -- in the same way that calling an access method on an instance of a class can emulate the retrieval of fixed attribute values while the method actually computes them on the fly. The consuming method call neither knows, nor can know, nor has any reason to care, about the distinction -- but it enables many powerful abstractions.」這應該是我看過最清晰易懂的定義了。
不過說真的,姑且不論微軟到底想幹什麼,這家公司已經像一條擱淺上岸的鯨魚,被自己的體重壓死了。如果微軟不改既有「什麼技術都想要,所有功能都要綁死在作業系統上」的心態,就算撐過Vista、Office 2007和Longhorn Server,以後的日子,恐怕也不會太好過。