星期六, 2月 14, 2009



Mirror, mirror on the wall
WHICH economy has been hit hardest by the global slump? In its back pages and on its website The Economist tracks 55 countries each week. Based on industrial production, Taiwan has suffered much the biggest shock. Output fell by 32% in the 12 months to December; in the fourth quarter it plunged at an annual rate of 62%. GDP figures, due on February 18th, will be grim.
In the longer term, improved ties with China will benefit the economy. For example, says Mr Chen, more direct flights between Taiwan and China should help. If Taiwan-based businessmen came home every quarter instead of every six months, it could boost ailing consumption. For now, however, Taiwan’s frightful economic news is more likely to encourage households to save rather than spend.
這位「經濟學家(台灣經濟研究院景氣預測中心主任陳淼,他最近講過的笑話還蠻多的)」為何不想想,兩岸直航根本只是製造台灣人在中國消費的機會,增加中國的內需?況且文中也提到了一個顯而易見的事實:"Taiwan is one of the world’s most export-dependent economies, making many high-tech gadgets for Western consumers, so it has been battered by the slump in global demand.",憑什麼相信只靠回流台商(還只是「從六個月變成三個月回台一次」)和觀光陸客就可以彌補巨大的對西方國家出口損失?這裡還不提當初「每天三千陸客」跑到哪裡去了。


馬 上 就 會 好

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